
Firefall beta tournament to debut at gamescom

Firefall beta tournament to debut at gamescom

What do Firefall, 10,000 euros, and Gamescom have in common? Europe's first Firefall beta tournament! Red 5 Studios is partnering with Electronic Sports League (ESL) to bring attendees of gamescom 2012 the opportunity to participate in this tournament and battle it out for a grand prize of 10,000 euros.

Registration and the tournament qualifiers will start on Thursday, the 16th of August, at the ESL Arena and continue through the 17th. On Saturday the 18th, the qualifying players will compete for the prize money on the ESL stage in front of spectators. Fans who are anticipating the free-to-play shooter but are unable to attend can watch the finals streamed live at

[Source: Red 5 Studios press release]