
The Castlevania movie returns from the grave, with Michael Dorn

The Castlevania movie is back. Actually, it's unclear which Castlevania movie is back, whether it's the Paul W.S. Anderson version, the James Wan version, the animated movie, or something else entirely. All we know is that there is one, and Michael Dorn from Star Trek: The Next Generation plays a werewolf in it.

"It's a fun little part. It's four days, and I'm playing a werewolf that's been around for a gajillion years who works for this vampire," Dorn told "It's not too far from Worf because there's a lot of killing and jumping and sword fights and everything." Dorn said that fellow Star Trek alum Marina Sirtis got him involved with the surprisingly existing film project.

We've contacted Konami to learn more about this film project, but the publisher said it could not confirm anything about the project. We'll let you know as soon as we can verify the presence of waiter skeletons.