Ask Engadget: should companies include a cable with a new product?
We know you've got questions, and if you're brave enough to ask the world for answers, here's the outlet to do so. This week's Ask Engadget inquiry is from David, who wants to know if you'd prefer a free cable or a cheaper device when you buy pro audio gear. If you're looking to send in an inquiry of your own, drop us a line at ask [at] engadget [dawt] com.
"I work for a small audio-tech company and we're currently getting close to releasing our first retail product, which does surround sound from stereo inputs -- kinda like Dolby Pro Logic, except good. Internally, we're agonizing over if we should include a stereo RCA cable. Of course, users will need to integrate an additional cable into their setup, but plenty of people will have spares lying around at home. Do you think it's better to:
a) Include a cheap cable and let people who care buy a high quality one?
b) Include a reasonable quality cable but increase the price?
c) Include no cable and make it clear they need to buy one?
Many thanks!"
What a question! We're decidedly of two minds, since given a bit of haggling, most retailers will chuck in a branded lead, but we'd hate to get our shiny new gear home to find it's missing a key component the one time they don't. Our dithering aside, it's time to turn the question over to our faithful Engadgeteers with this chance to shape the future of the high-end audio business for the better... we'd better not disappoint the man!