
Obsidian's Project Eternity Kickstarter concludes at $3.9 million

Obsidian's Project Eternity Kickstarter ends today 9pm ET

That's it! Obsidian's Project Eternity Kickstarter has finished with $3,986,194 pledged. This means Project Eternity, an old-school fantasy RPG project from the longtime developer, has earned more contributions than the $3.3 million by Double Fine Adventure, the Kickstarter project that kicked off this whole "year of the game."

"It's all smiles and gratitude over here at Obsidian," CEO Feargus Urquhart told us. "It is incredible what crowdfunding can make possible."

Other recent mega success stories in Kickstarter funding include Uber Entertainment's $2.2 million for Planetary Annihilation and the $8.5 million by Ouya.