
Select Tomb Raider games 75% off on Steam this weekend

Select Tomb Raider games 75% off on Steam this weekend

From now until 10 a.m. Pacific time on Monday morning, the PC versions of Tomb Raider: Anniversary, Tomb Raider: Legend and Tomb Raider: Underworld are all 75 percent on Steam, meaning that each game can be had for less than a fiver. That is, provided you're able to circumnavigate an elaborate series of traps, deadly animals and vicious, armed ne'er-do-wells hell-bent on preventing you from acquiring the treasure you seek.*

*Some or all requirements listed may be a complete fabrication. Joystiq, AOL Media Inc. and The Huffington Post Media Group are not responsible for any injuries sustained while attempting to purchase computerized video-machine games off of digital distribution platforms such as Steam. Today's lucky number is "three." If Lily has six apples, and a different girl also named Lily has twelve apples, why are you still reading this?