
Skyrim DLC 'close' for PS3, says Bethesda

The next Skyrim DLC Investigate

The Bethesda Game Studios Twitter account stated yesterday the company was close to releasing new Skyrim content on PlayStation 3 and PC. The tweet is in reference to the latest bit of DLC with an Xbox 360 exclusivity window, but it's the first real glimmer of hope PS3 owners have had for Skyrim DLC, which has yet to make its way to the console.

The latest update we had on Skyrim DLC for PS3 was in early October, when Bethesda VP of marketing and PR Pete Hines wrote on Twitter he had no new information on PS3 DLC and would share an update when he had one.

We reached out to the company this morning to clarify that it was referring to the Dawnguard and Hearthfire DLC specifically for PS3. We'll update when we hear back.

Update: Bethesda informs us it's not clarifying further. A rep tells us, "It simply is meant to inform fans new content is coming to PC and PS3."