
One Shots: It all comes out pink

One Shots

As Justin is out of town this weekend, I have hacked into the One Shots email account and replaced all user submissions with screenshots of Tabula Rasa! Shh, no one tell him.

But I am happy to take control of this regular feature for the week and show off a few of the shots you lovely readers have sent in. This first one is a testament to the amazing artwork we can expect from PlanetSide 2 when it launches on November 20th. As reader Lovelycarrot explains, "In this image, I'm all alone in a frozen wasteland in PlanetSide 2, pondering the next base to capture."

Check out the full image and more submissions just after the cut.

One Shots

We have another shot from The Secret World's Cat God storyline that I wanted to share this week. Reader Sevenwinds gives us a bit of a spoiler for the event, so cover your eyes if you don't want to see: "After you defeat the cat god, the person behind the cat reveals himself (spoilers!)."

One Shots

Contributor John sends in this next image taken straight from Star Wars: The Old Republic, just as we gear up for the free-to-play conversion on November 15th. "While some of SWTOR's cutscenes can certainly get tiresome, I can't get enough of this one, in which I'm leaving the Republic Fleet," John writes. "It just fills me with wonder and awe, and I can't wait to go explore the galaxy!" Insert Kessel Run/parsecs joke here.

One Shots

Next up we have a beautiful landscape shot from Clark, who will miss the original incarnation of Final Fantasy XIV. "This is a picture of Dalamud looming over the fields of Coerthas. I love this shot because you can almost feel the tension between peaceful Coerthas and the chaos that Dalamud is about to unleash. If there's one thing FFXIV 1.0 did right, it's the amazing landscapes. I will definitely miss those."

One Shots

And finally, we're ending with a Guild Wars 2 shot, not because we need to work our way through the 378964876 GW2 shots sitting in our One Shots inbox, but because it's really an amazing homage. User McGuffn grabbed this image of a Human (and Charr, Sylvari, Asura, and Norn) ribbon made during GW2's Pink Day celebration in honor of breast cancer awareness and the Canadian Cancer Society. This particular event was special because it was the first time Pink Day was honored in the Lion's Arch of Guild Wars 2; it's been a staple of Guild Wars 1 for many years.

One Shots

OK, I'll stop being a Guild Wars geek now, but you can help us showcase your favorite game by sending in a submission of your own. Simply follow the directions below and you're set!

Want to be featured in a future edition of One Shots? Send your favorite MMO screenshots to, and don't forget to include your name, the name of the game, and a description of the scene. Large, colorful, UI-free shots that tell a story and really show off the game make for the best images. Look ma, we brought back One Shots!