
Sunday Morning Funnies: Mister Fancy Pants

Sunday Morning Funnies            SUN

Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics.

Well, Sara & Kleeyo comes to an end this week. There's an excellent final comic as well as a send-off note and plenty of comments worthy of being read. Check it out!

While we say goodbye to a two-year-long favorite, we are also welcoming a new comic to the list this week, Gratz. You can read more about the artist on his About page; he has been making these for a couple of years now but only recently started publishing them online. So, there are quite a few to start with!

I also dug up some comics that have been updating sparsely or went on a hiatus and have listed some updates you might not know about.

Finally, don't forget about the Charlie Brown-themed wallpaper available from The Daily Blink for any donation amount. It's pretty cool!

Bonus! Complex Actions posted a ghoulish pumpkin carving design. I totally missed this in October but maybe you could carve it into like, a Christmastime squash? Yes?
