
Intel offers overclocking protection plan, takes Cash4CPUs

For a certain subset of tech geeks, it can be hard to live with the knowledge that raw processing power lies untapped within their machines. And it's typically those users that indulge in a bit of overclocking, pushing their CPUs to the limit, often resulting in unstable performance or even a fried processor. Give a hand, then, to the folks over at Intel, who have heard your nerd pleas and are offering up an extended safety net so you can continue to code dangerously. Dubbed the Performance Tuning Protection Plan, this optional add-on for unlocked processors (ending in X or K) reaches beyond the standard three year warranty to give users a one-time replacement. You'll still have to cough up some cash -- about $20 to $35 depending on what your computer's packing -- but that's still a small price to pay for a second chance at silicon thrills.