
Instaprint goes to Kickstarter to fund its Instagram photo booth hardware

Almost exactly a year ago, TUAW posted about Instaprint, a location-based printer for Instagram photos. Brooklyn, NY-based ad agency Breakfast even set up a live stream showing images spewing out of their printer from around the world. Now the company is back again, printing any Instagram photos tagged with #instaprint while you watch. They've also started a Kickstarter campaign to start full-scale production of the printer.

If you pledge US$399 or more of the desired $400,000 in funding, you'll get one of the first Instaprint devices for home use. At the $749 level, you get two Instaprints -- perfect for handling the traffic at small events -- while $1099 gets you three devices and $1449 ensures that you'll get a 4-pack good for big events.

At the time of publication, the funding was up to $33,478 -- 8.3 percent of the total -- with 55 days left to go. Try out the printer and watch your Instagram photo show up on the wall below, then be sure to give the Breakfast club your pledge.