
The WoW Insider Show LIVE!

Join your hosts Mike Sacco, Matt Rossi, Mat McCurley, and Alex Ziebart as they discuss their hands-on experience with Mists of Pandaria, their trip to Blizzard HQ, meeting with Chris Metzen, and more.

We'll also be taking live questions throughout the show and answering as much as we can about MoP. Want to know what Pet Battles are going to be like? Interested in how Blizzard managed to get two new zones? Ask away!

Use the above embed player to listen to the live show, or head over to our uStream page and listen to it there. The show will start around 12:00 and last for about an hour to an hour and a half. It will be up on iTunes and on the site for everyone to hear tomorrow morning.

Update: The live stream is done, thanks to everyone who dropped by to hang out!