
2K Games' PAX East lineup includes playable Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 may not hit store shelves until mid September, but that doesn't mean you have to wait until then to play it. All you have to do is spend several hundred dollars on last-minute travel and hotel accommodations for next week's PAX East convention in Boston, and you too can get your randomly generated little hands on all that cel-shaded goodness.

The demo, playable at 2K's booth, will feature the Siren and Gunzerker character types and will take place in two zones, "Caustic Caverns" and "Pandora Park." XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Civilization 5: Gods and Kings and Spec Ops: The Line will also be present and accounted for, but only Spec Ops: The Line and Borderlands 2 will be openly playable.