
Gabriel Knight writer Jane Jensen opens new studio Pinkerton Road


It's a good time to be a classic adventure game fan, in case you hadn't noticed. Between Double Fine's recent success story and this week's announcement of a brand new adventure studio from Gabriel Knight writer Jane Jensen, the next few years are gonna be rife with pun-laden puzzles.

Jensen's new studio, Pinkerton Road, is being co-opened with composer Robert Holmes (also of Gabriel Knight fame) and will focus on "third-person adventure games for PC and tablet with rich stories, gorgeous art, and seamlessly fun play." Rather than following the traditional developer model of seeking funding via publishers, Pinkerton Road will be using a model based on community supported agriculture. Yes, really.

Jensen's calling it "Community Supported Gaming," and says fans will essentially pay for year-long seasons of access to the studio's games (a la CSAs). A smattering of ideas are already in the works for the studio's first year, and Kickstarter is facilitating the funding. If you'd like to support the project, there are still 42 days to go on the funding goal.