
Phat Loot Phriday: Gilnean Raven


When we last left our heroes, they were packing to go to Pandaria. While Throgg and Lolegolas shove their belongings into mysterious blue boxes and bags of questionable size, let's take a jump across the pond and check in on the missing member of the precarious party. She gets cross if I ignore her for too long.

Miranda pushed herself up on her elbows, peering around her spacious cage. She noticed immediately that the bamboo enclosure smelled fairly nice. If she was trapped in captivity, at least it was a relatively tidy captivity.

"Hello?" she asked. Her voice was dry and cracked; the words came out as a croak. "Is anyone there?"

"Good morning, Miranda," someone replied. "If it helps you relax, this isn't about you at all. You'll see I even have a gift for you. I wish you to be comfortable while you serve as bait."

The shrouded figure came nearer, kneeling to slide a small bird through the cage. Miranda tried to get a look at the man, but mist and smoke kept her from making out much beside his robe.

"That's a Gilnean Raven. It might turn out to be quite the fighter. I'm certain your druid will appreciate it. This raven is quite like a writing desk."

"What is this about, then?" Miranda asked. She reached out to the bird and was pleased when it jumped to her wrist immediately. "What's going?"

The shadowed man turned back to his reading. "It's an assignment, nothing personal. I will get Throgg very angry, and while he's in the middle of his Throgg-smash routine ... I will kill him."

Phat Loot Phriday brings you the scoop on some of the most ... interesting ... loot in the World of Warcraft, often viewed through the eyes of the stalwart Throgg and indelible Lolegolas. Suggest items you think we should feature by emailing