
Around the Blizzard Multiverse: Happy land

Around the Blizzard Multiverse Happy land MONDAY

"While cleaning out my guild bank in preparation for Pandaria, I thought it would be a shame to throw away useable Fish Feasts," wrote submitter Riyahnasheed of Epic on Azuremyst (US-A). "Instead of a food buff, I was whisked away to a land of chubby homicidal purple unicorns, manic clouds and bloodthirsty teddy bears. Hallucination, delusion, omen of monks to come? All I can say for sure: never eat two-year-old sushi. 'Best if used by' dates are not a general guideline, they're a hard and fast means to keeping your health and sanity."

I had to do a bit of searching to figure out what the heck is going on in here. Riyahnasheed appears to have transported her WoW character into the Diablo III secret level of Whimsyshire, possibly with the aid of a graphics program, and is unable to find her way home. This is what happens when you try to play both games at the same time and alt-tab between them!


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