
Reminder: It came from the Blog's Flamefest is tonight

Reminder It came from the Blog's Flamefest is tonight

Tonight we chat with some of the WoW Insider staff. Tonight we stay on the road and protect the lowbies. Tonight we set the world on fire.

  • When: Tonight, Friday, June 29 at 10:30 p.m. EDT (7:30 p.m. PDT, 8:30 p.m. server time) for the pre-event gathering and 11 p.m. EDT (8 p.m. PDT, 9 p.m. server time) for Flamefest.

  • Where: Meet at the festival area in Thunder Bluff on Zangarmarsh (US-PvE-H).

  • Who: Any Horde character level 10 or higher for the first part of the Flamefest, but you need to know all the Azerothian flight paths (non-Cataclysm) for the final part.

  • What: Have a little party, then participate in some Midsummer Fire Festival fun.

Join It came from the Blog for Flamefest 2012. Tonight.

Please join us on Zangarmarsh (US-PvE-H) in It came from the Blog. All guild rankscan invite, so /whisper Roblinator or any online member. You are all welcome as long as you play by our simple rules -- basically, don't be a funsucker! Visit the guild FAQ for more details.