
OnLive support dropped from Sony media player post-Gaikai purchase [Update: support not dropped, says OnLive]

OnLive support dropped from Sony Bluray player postGaikai purchase

Remember the Sony streaming media player that reportedly packed OnLive support? After yesterday's announcement of the acquisition of Gaikai – that other video game streaming service – OnLive support for the player is unsurprisingly kaput, Sony confirmed to VentureBeat.

Presumably, Gaikai support could be added to the device in the future, but for now it's clear that Sony's game streaming intentions (understandably) no longer include OnLive.

Update: An OnLive spokesperson has told Joystiq that VentureBeat's information is inaccurate. Specifically, OnLive was never going to be preloaded into Sony's device in the first place. Users will, however, still be able to download OnLive to the device. Furthermore, the OnLive spokesperson stated that the OnLive controller is still compatible with the device as well.

We've contacted Sony directly to see if we can clear all this up.