
SOE offers DCUO, EQII, and EQ sub discounts next week

DCUO screenshot

If you've been enjoying a free membership to either DC Universe Online, EverQuest, or EverQuest II, have you considered upgrading your membership or plunking the cash down for a longer-term sub? If so, the time to do so has never been better. Starting at 3:00 a.m. EDT on July 18th, Sony Online Entertainment is offering 25% off of upgraded subscriptions for all three games (for DCUO, it's the PC version only, though).

To take advantage of this offer, players must actually upgrade their subscription tier. Free accounts must upgrade to a recurring membership, recurring memberships must upgrade to multi-month sub, and multi-month members must upgrade to a longer-term subscription. A single-game recurring membership can also upgrade to the All Access recurring membership. Of course, the longer you sign up for, the better the deal is as more months are covered under the 25% off.

This limited-time offer ends at 2:59 a.m EDT on July 24th, so unless you are a night owl, make sure to make your purchase by the 23rd.