
Weekly Webcomic Wrapup is looking for suggestions

Friends, I now own an iPhone. No, not one of those fancy iPhone 5 devices. I recently picked up a now-discounted iPhone 4S, and it's the first Apple product I've ever owned.

For years, I was one of those types that made a point to not "follow the masses," a non-conforming conformist, if you will. My last smartphone, which I squeezed every ounce of strength out of, was a Motorola Droid X. Before that, I had a Palm Pre (I loved that phone). No way would I get an Apple phone. Until this week.

Wait, what is this, Engadget? No, my point is that I'm thrilled to dive in to the world of iOS apps and find out some of the differences between games released on that platform versus the likes of Android. And I can't wait to dig my claws into any iOS-exclusive games that are out there. I've played many mobile games before, so aside from the obvious, I'd love to hear some suggestions from readers like you. If only I knew about some website that offered a column about downloadable games that can be played on the go, right?

So while you cook up some meaty suggestions on games I should attack on my iPhone, take a gander at last week's webcomics, and then vote for your favorite after the break! Also, yes, I've heard of Angry Birds.

Arctic Combat (GG-Guys)
Steam Down (Nerf Now!!)
Extra Credit (Awkward Zombie)
Tails (Brawl in the Family)
The Coming Aparkalypse (Penny Arcade)
Geological Profiling (Virtual Shackles)
