
Yes, that 'Halo 4' on the App Store is obviously fake

If you're an app developer that's ever had trouble getting your handiwork approved for release on the App Store, we hope you have your blood pressure medication handy. If you're not, you're in for a good laugh.

It seems that Apple let not one, but two apps claiming to be Microsoft's blockbuster first-person -- and Xbox 360-exclusive -- shooter Halo 4 slip through its stringent approval process. Apps that not only call themselves "Halo 4" and have official-looking icons, but ape the game's description in their metadata and even use screenshots of the console game. One of the counterfeits is a simple chess game and the other is a racing title, and both sell for the reasonable amount of US$4.99. [Note: Between writing this up and the time it was published, both apps appear to have been pulled.]

Perhaps just as mind-boggling as their approval is the fact that each has dozens of glowing, five-star reviews. So, this tale serves as a one-two punch of commentary on not just the obviously porous approval process, but an easily exploited review system as well.

Not that you'd want to, but we can only imagine that your window to purchase either mobile version of Master Chief's latest adventure (or not) is rapidly shrinking. Now, if you'll excuse us, we'll be getting "Grand Theft Auto" ready to submit for approval.

[Via Gizmodo]