
Five ex-Rare vets form new mobile studio Flippin Pixels

Five exRare vets form new mobile studio Flippin Pixels

With over 20 years of experience at Rare, a core group of five have formed a new mobile studio today called Flippin Pixels. Not to be confused with those other ex-Rare folks, Flippin Pixels left Microsoft's Rare in stages over the last year, the five joining forces to focus on tablet and smartphone development.

Flippin Pixels is comprised of studio director Steve Brand, software director James Ackroyd, art director Steven Hurst, design director Shaun Read and technical director Gary Richards. For a team whose primary expertise involves console development, the shift to mobile will be a challenge. "We have a lot to learn, but what we do bring is years of console experience and high quality execution," Ackroyd told

"We've only just recently been looking at how to monetise through games," Ackroyd added. "The nature of the mobile market is so fast moving you can't afford to stay on something for months. You need to get it out there while it's still fresh. It's a little bit like buying a lottery ticket but if you've got the quality there hopefully that rises to the top."

Flippin Pixels already has multiple projects underway, though studio director Steve Brand says only one concept is actually in development – right now, most ideas are on paper. "We have a concept that's actually partway into development and the rest of our concepts are in paper form and bubbling to the surface. We'll build those out to a bigger business plan and approach publishers with them, that's one of the short-term goals," Brand concluded.