
Lucid's Jacob Jones and the Bigfoot Mystery unravels on Vita, iOS this week

Lucid's Jacob Jones and the Bigfoot Mystery unravels on Vita, iOS this week

Jacob Jones and the Bigfoot Mystery sets off for Vita and iOS this week. Lucid's cutesy-looking Unreal Engine 3 puzzler pitches up in North America via PSN on Tuesday, May 14 - it should be Wednesday in Europe. Then iOS welcomes it on Thursday. No prices are announced as yet.

The game features Jacob, a kid who prefers traipsing the outdoors to milling around with his peers. Thankfully, his trip to Camp Eagle Feather includes bumping into Bigfoot, an event that always brightened our summer camp excursions.

Meanwhile, we're still waiting on Lucid's mid-May announcement, which looks to be a racing game, and one possibly tied to Microsoft's own mid-May announcement. The studio, comprised of ex-Bizarre devs, gave a brief shout-out today to fans of Blur and Project Gotham Racing who'd sent the studio messages recently. Which group will be the more pleased later this month, if either, remains to be seen.