
Listen to Pearl Jam's new album 'Lightning Bolt' on iTunes Radio 'First Play'

Isle of Wight Festival - Day 3

Apple executive Eddy Cue wasn't joking around when he said that Apple was going to leverage streaming album premieres on iTunes Radio. Not only do advance streams of upcoming albums help generate lots of pre-orders via iTunes, it also helps people dial in to iTunes Radio in the first place.

Apple yesterday notified iTunes users that it would be streaming Pearl Jam's upcoming album, titled Lightning Bolt, on iTunes Radio. The album isn't scheduled for release until October 15, so that's a solid six-day lead time for Pearl Jam fans to get acquainted with Eddie Vedder and Co.'s latest release.

To access the album, you can either click here to launch iTunes Radio on your desktop or head on over to iTunes Radio on your iOS device where you can find the album prominently featured under the "Featured Stations" heading.