
Daily iPhone App: Rayman Fiesta Run offers break-neck fun

The Rayman series has always been about easy, enjoyable fun, and last year's release of Rayman Jungle Run was a great example of that. Now its successor, Rayman Fiesta Run, has entered the race, and whether you're a newcomer to Rayman or a seasoned vet, there's plenty to enjoy in this installment.

While most Rayman games are platforming adventures, both Jungle Run and the new Fiesta Run are much more straightforward. Rayman runs automatically and you tap the screen to jump. That's it. Though as simple as this sounds, the inventive level design introduces a number of different ways the game's basic controls can be used. As the stages shift, twist and transform, well-timed jumps -- or refusing to jump at all -- can lead to new areas.

Your overall goal is to finish each level with as many shiny Lums as possible. These cheery creatures are scattered throughout the game world and are collected simply by running into them. The vast majority of the levels feature multiple branching paths, and if you hope to collect the full complement of Lums in each stage, you'll undoubtedly need to take on many of the stages more than once to find the optimal route.

As you collect Lums, additional stages are unlocked, as well as more difficult versions of levels you already conquered. All told, there are well over 70 levels to take on as well as a trio of bosses, which means you'll be playing Fiesta Run for quite some time.

A word has to be said about the game's visuals: They're downright gorgeous. The hand-drawn aesthetic from Jungle Run returns with even more detail and plenty of subtle touches. The game runs buttery smooth and flows flawlessly even as multiple levels of each stage flash into view and then disappear into the background or foreground. It's a treat to watch.

For US$2.99, Fiesta Run offers a whole lot of content as well as a great deal of replayability. If you haven't yet given Jungle Run a try, I'd recommend taking that one for a spin first, if only so you can fully appreciate how Ubisoft made an already great game concept even greater.