
Steam Reviews now in beta

Valve has launched a new Reviews section on Steam, allowing users to share their thoughts about the games they're playing with friends and strangers worldwide. Steam Reviews is now in beta, open to all users.

Steam Reviews is an evolution of Steam Recommendations, Valve says. Users have written more than 7 million Recommendations over the years, and anyone wishing to upgrade Recommendations to Reviews may do so by adjusting their own list of Reviews. Users are able to write Reviews of any game they've launched via Steam, and other members can rate those Reviews as helpful or unhelpful.

Steam Reviews aren't aggregated for a single, overall score of a game or software – yet.

"Not yet, but we are looking to add that during the beta," Valve writes. "Many products on Steam change significantly over time as the game or software is updated and new content is added. In order to form a score that accurately reflects the current state of a product, we first need to gather and evaluate the data from reviews."

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Leading Entertainment Platform Provides More Ways To Share Experiences

November 25, 2013 - Valve today announced the beta launch of Steam Reviews, adding more ways Steam users may share their experiences with others and make more informed purchase decisions.

Users considering a purchase on Steam may now browse reviews from friends and the community, leave comments on reviews, and indicate which reviews they found helpful.

Once a user has played a game or used a software title on Steam, they are able to write a review of that product and share their experience with everyone on Steam.

Steam Reviews is an evolution of the Recommendation system that has been a part of Steam since 2010. Over the past few years, Steam users have written over 7 million Recommendations of games and software to their friends. Those Recommendations have been upgraded to Steam Reviews. As such, users may now choose to make their past Recommendations visible as Reviews to everyone on Steam, if they wish, by visiting their list of Reviews and changing the settings accordingly.

Steam Reviews is currently in open beta, accessible to any Steam user.

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