
Five apps to help you read faster and remember more

Ever feel like you are trudging through an article, reading so slow that it makes your head hurt? If you want to improve your reading skills by reading faster and retaining more, then you should check one of these five outstanding apps that'll train you to consumer those words at a faster rate (all prices are USD).

QuickReader [iOS Universal; $4.99]

QuickReader uses a vast catalog of classic and modern eBooks to help you improve your reading speed. The app promises that you will never run out of content to refine your speed reading technique. QuickReader is chock full of settings so you can customize your speed reading plan to fit your needs.

Velocity Speed Reader [iPhone; $2.99]

Instead of eBooks, Velocity focuses on personal content, allowing you to tap into your email, personal documents and your Instapaper or Pocket Articles. The app has an iOS7-inspired design and includes a typeface for dyslexic readers.

ReadQuick [iOS Universal; $4.99]

ReadQuick mixes web content with partner content to provide you with all the material you need. The app allows you to access articles from Pocket, the web and partners like Talking Points Memo, GigaOM and more. It also supports Readability. When you start an article, the app gives you a target time to finish based on your current words per minute pace. It also shows you the words one at time, which helps you pick up the pace of your reading.

Syllable [iPhone; $2.99]

Syllable, as its name reflects, looks at more than just the printed word. The app tries to help you reduce subvocalization, which is a method of reading by repeating the words you read in your head. The app takes text and presents it on the screen at a predefined rate. Rather than saying the words in your head, you are forced to read them quickly. Less subvocalization equates to faster reading. The app accepts text input from URLs, Instapaper, Readability, Pocket, the clipboard and more.

Acceleread [iOS Universal; Free with in-app purchases]

Acceleread is more than just a speed reading tool. It's a guided speed reading course with lessons that'll improve your overall reading technique, so you can read faster and comprehend more of what you read. It's a custom course that you can tailor to your speed reading goals. The app is free, but you'll have to pay to unlock the full course. It costs $7.99 for the iPad upgrade, $4.99 for the iPhone upgrade and $9.99 for the universal iOS upgrade.