
MGS5: Ground Zeroes out March 18, Xbox versions include exclusive mission

Konami announced today that its Metal Gear Solid 5 introductory chapter Ground Zeroes will launch for the PlayStation 3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One on March 18, 2014. The publisher serves up a 15-minute preview video of the Xbox One version above, showing off the first section of gameplay and detailing the differences between its included Normal and Hard difficulty modes.

Konami additionally revealed that the Xbox 360 and Xbox One versions of Ground Zeroes will include the exclusive "Jamais Vu" mission, in which Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance star Raiden must take out a cabal of identity-stealing "body snatchers" who have occupied a U.S. Naval facility in Cuba. A trailer is after the break below.

Konami previously announced that the PlayStation versions of the game will feature the exclusive "Deja Vu" mission, along with a classic Solid Snake skin.