
Apple Safari is 10 years old today

Sniff. Those children of ours get so old so quickly... Today is the 10th birthday of Apple's Safari web browser, so have a little cake or maybe propose a toast to the default Mac and iOS browser.

The first version of Safari was released as a public beta exactly 10 years ago today. The app was designed by Apple to replace Microsoft Internet Explorer, which was the default Mac browser up to OS X 10.2.

Steve Jobs introduced Safari at Macworld San Francisco on January 7, 2003, announcing that Apple based the browser on the company's internal fork of the KHTML rendering engine -- Webkit. The first official version was released on June 23, 2003.

Safari's little brother for iOS made its debut in 2007 along with the iPhone. As of today, Safari 6.0.2 is the latest version of the Mac browser, while Windows users can still run Safari 5 on their devices.

Happy Birthday, Safari!