
Sunday Morning Funnies: Dog dress

Sunday Morning Funnies Dog dress    SUN

Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics.

The day has finally come to unveil the new and improved SMF Guide! It features some never-before-seen artwork (as well as some you have) and will guide you through the comics that most often grace this list. A big thanks goes out to the artists who submitted artwork, and for their patience while it was all being assembled. Check it out below!

In comic news, Contested Territory's Maiu is attending PAX East (Boston) March 22-24. She'll be cosplaying Pokemon on Friday and Saturday but wearing a t-shirt to advertise her comic on Sunday. She's also bringing a hard copy of her comic.

In other news, LFG is now on ComiXology! And The Daily Blink has a new t-shirt.

Also, I regret to inform you that Trigonometry is feeling pretty sick, and as such, only managed one comic this week! (*cough*slacker*cough*) But really; we're all wishing you well, Trig.

Coffin also caught a bug and so there's no What's Shakin' this week. Feel better Coffin!

Finally, if you're curious, the GU Comics indiegogo fundraising never did hit its first ad-free goal; however, it surpassed $10,500 which means that the artist will start converting comic images into printable files in preparation for a future print book.

Editor's Note: The gallery was not ready for public consumption yet! Sorry!