
WRUP: Is my face on fire edition

Like this, only 100% more of my face.

We've been friends a while, right? So I'm going to ask you something honestly, and I want you to answer me honestly. Is my face on fire? Right this moment, is my face wreathed in an infernal bouquet? Don't be worried about hurting my feelings; be worried that my face is burning. Or not.

I have to be honest. I can't tell myself. I mean, I see a bright light in the bathroom mirror, but that might just be a glare from the sunlight. My lips have been pretty chapped, but that's normal for this time of year. Also I smell burning hair, but you know me; my sense of smell is terrible. So really -- is my face on fire?

Oh, wait. Before you tell me about that, you should check out this week's installment of WRUP, all about what the Massively crew is up to over the weekend. And you should let us know what you'll be up to down in the comments. This face thing is probably fine; it can wait.

Beau Hindman, F2P and Mobile Columnist

@Beau_Hindman: I have way too many games for one human to play, but I'm enjoying the time in the trenches. I have most of them going for some articles -- Age of Conan, RaiderZ, and All Points Bulletin among others -- but I'm also enjoying plenty of Android single-player titles. Hailan Rising and The Lost Titans are pulling me to the browser, but so far I'm not blown away. We'll see how that goes.

Bree Royce, Editor-in-Chief

@nbrianna: Guild Wars 2 for me -- farming Super Adventure Box for baubles for shiny retro sparkle weapon skins. Skinnnnnsssssss, people. Also, axes and pistols please, Anet!

David Desi, Multimedia Contributor

@PsykopigAU: I have found interest in Defiance, so I will likely be spending a lot of time four-wheeling my way to shoot some mutants in the face! With guns!

Eliot Lefebvre, Columnist Extraordinaire and Senior Contributing Editor

@Eliot_Lefebvre: It's the last weeeknd before Star Wars: The Old Republic launches its first expansion, DLC, whatever you want to call it. As such, I'll be trimming up some roleplaying stories, getting my characters all ready, and leveling my lowbies (who will not be 50 in time, but that's all right). I've also got some time to put in to Star Trek Online as I enter the final stretch on Choose My Adventure.

Elisabeth Cardy, Guild Wars 2 Columnist and Contributing Editor

@elixabethclaire: Unlike Richie, I will be playing games this weekend. I'll be playing Guild Wars 2 -- including the Super Adventure Box. I'll be playing Guild Wars (and streaming it!). I'll be playing Draw Something (thanks / darn you, Jasmine). I'll probably be playing other things, too, but what's life without a little spontaneity?

Jasmine Hruschak, Multimedia Contributor

@irljasmine: This weekend I'll continue my Draw Something adventures (waiting in line? draw Elisabeth a donut!), as well something that involves slightly less sketching of pastries. I've been given the gift of Lara Croft, and I plan to get all up in some tombs. Probably do something to them. I'm anticipating raiding. My last chunk of quality Lara time was on Windows 95, so I'm pretty excited for pixel intensive tombs.

Jef Reahard, Managing Editor and Columnist Extraordinaire

@jefreahard: I'll probably manage some SWTOR and I may finish up a few things in Defiance. I'm also dabbling in a couple of older single-player titles like Thief and Darksiders.

Justin Olivetti, Columnist Extraordinaire and Senior Contributing Editor

@Sypster: I don't have great plans for this weekend. I started a new Necromancer in Guild Wars 2, so I might spend some time getting acquainted with her, and a 10-day free trial of World of Warcraft is tempting me to reconnect with some old friends. My Lore-master in Lord of the Rings Online needs to put a cap on the Misty Mountains and start working on getting her first legendary items, so that might be a good goal as well.

Mike Foster, Contributing Editor

@MikedotFoster: I'm mostly playing "be sick and try not to die." But if I can finish that game, I'll be checking out Defiance and probably running some WoW dungeons.

Patrick Mackey, League of Legends and Age of Wushu Columnist

@mackeypb: I'll be playing League of Legends, Age of Wushu, and new on the horizon, some Defiance as well! I'd like to play GW2 too, but I am one of those people that gets fixated on one game in a day and plays that one game a lot. Most likely I won't fit in any Super Adventure Box, sadly.

Richie Procopio, Multimedia Contributor

@RichieProcopio: Whenever I say I'm going to be playing games this weekend, there's an inevitable wrench that mucks up my plans. So this weekend, I'm not playing squat. I'm not going to be playing the snot out of Super Adventure Box in Guild Wars 2. I'm also not going to be playing Minecraft with my kids or finishing up The Walking Dead. Nope. No way. Not happening.

Shawn Schuster, Senior Editor

@Epykbeard: It's all Defiance for me. This is a game I did not have on my radar because I thought the whole TV show/MMO idea smelled more of marketing than interesting gameplay, but I was wrong. I'm really enjoying myself.

Terilynn Shull, Star Trek Online Columnist

@terilynns: I will be in Star Trek Online this weekend in order to participate in the Day of Honor/First Contact day festivities. After hoping for more than a year that the CO of the Klingon flagship might be made a woman, I am thrilled to be able to see her in game, and find out more about her!

At the start of every weekend, we catch up with the Massively staff members and ask them, "What are you playing this week?" (Otherwise known as: WRUP!) Join us to see what we're up to in and out of game -- and catch us in the comments to let us know what you're playing, too!