
Resident Evil Revelations pre-order perks reveal season pass on Steam

Resident Evil Revelations PC gets season pass

Resident Evil: Revelations will feature a Season Pass to enable four unannounced DLC packs, a new pre-order deal on Steam reveals. The updated version of Revelations hits Steam on May 20, but the more people that buy it before the launch date, the more goodies everyone can enjoy, with three reward tiers unlocked by pre-order numbers.

Tier one is already unlocked, meaning everyone who pre-orders on Steam will get an art book and 13-song soundtrack when the game launches. Next up is tier two, a free copy of 2007's Lost Planet: Extreme Condition that Capcom will distribute shortly after that pre-order goal is reached. Tier three promises "more weapons and more characters" for Raid mode, with four pieces of additional content to be revealed after the game's launch, all part of the Season Pass.

There's no word yet if these pre-order bonuses apply to console versions of Revelations as well.