
Sunday Morning Funnies: Lo'meath & Huilii

Sunday Morning Funnies                      SUN

Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics.

Each week, SMF is featuring a WoW-related web comic that updates regularly. This week, we're shining the spotlight on Lo'meath & Huilii:

Lo'meath & Huilii is a WoW-related machinima comic based on Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Moeru, the artist, is a Canadian game designer who works on the comic as a hobby. It began in April 2011 and shows no signs of slowing down.

Lo'meath (Low-me-eff) (based on Romeo) is a high-ranking battle mage of the Scryer faction who is creative, poetic and dramatic. Huilii (Hyu-lee) (based on Juliet) is the last apprentice of the Aldor High Priestess. She is dutiful and devoted to her trade, outspoken, yet conservative.

Lo'meath & Huilii
updates three times a week.

This week's comics are:

Moeru (of Lo'meath & Huilii) was actually sick this week; we all hope you're feeling better!

Stay tuned next week for another comic spotlight. Plus, What's Shakin' chapter 5 will start up and Gratz has promised some more action scenes.

As always, if anyone has any tips, feel free to leave a comment below. You can also use the WoW Insider comment form (but put SMF in the subject!) if you want to send information by email.