
WoW Moviewatch: WoW Lore Lesson: Rexxar

I've not featured many of these WoW Lore Lessons from Dorons Movies, but I'm shamefully behind on my Rexxar-chops, so I figured now would be a good time. WoW Lore Lesson: Rexxar is a handy catch-up on some key lore moments. The whole series is like this, although Dorons has a few technical challenge with the videos.

I'd try and use some in-game graphics to spice up the videos. I know it can be a pain to avoid copyright violations, but the video really needs that little touch to keep the action more intriguing. While he puts a lot of effort into narration, a 10 minute speech without narration can be a little... rough... to get through. Still, it's a good effort, and I appreciate your work.

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