
Gaming sexism documentary secures Kickstarter funding

Gaming sexism documentary secures Kickstarter funding

Filmmaker Shannon Sun-Higginson has reached her Kickstarter funding goal for GTFO, an upcoming documentary film that explores the frequent sexism and harassment experienced by women who play video games.

Interviewing a variety of bloggers, scholars, and industry figures, Sun-Higginson hopes to piece together a narrative that explains why online harassment is so prevalent among video game players, in particular. Sun-Higginson has already filmed a number of segments at tournaments and conventions over the past year, and will use her Kickstarter earnings to fund future shoots, licensing rights, and post-production expenses.

"The purpose of this documentary is to reveal the experiences of women in the gaming world, both good and bad, as well as to provide steps we can take to change the environment for the better," Sun-Higginson explains.

GTFO's campaign hit its funding goal of $20,000 in its final week, and the film is expected to launch next year. Another Kickstarter-funded series that deals with similar subject matter, Anita Sarkeesian's Tropes vs. Women in Video Games, debuted in March.