
TUAW TV Live: The shiny new live stream edition

Welcome back to another hour of fun, excitement and chat on this week's TUAW TV Live. The show is now part of the AOL On Network, so we're using a different livestream tool and chat room. No more Ustream, no more IRC chatroom. It's all right here on this page, where you'll watch the show and also be able to join us in Chatroll. Just click the play button on the player around 5 PM ET, sign into Chatroll with your Twitter or Facebook account, and you're ready to roll.

Today Doc and I will be talking about the latest news in the Apple world, showing off some new apps and sifting through the latest pile of accessories. Note that at the present time, you can participate on iPad, but that the video stream may show pixelation from time to time -- we're working on that. The iPad viewer will let you blast TUAW TV Live to your HDTV via the magic of AirPlay. If you're watching on your Mac, full-screen mode is just a click away.

Can't join us today? A playlist of recent shows is available on YouTube 24/7. The hosts can be contacted on Twitter as @stevensande and @docrock, and we'll always notify you when the next show is ready to go live @tuaw. Questions, comments or ideas can be submitted via email at tvlive at tuaw [dot] com.