
Sunday Morning Funnies: Fox Rain

Sunday Morning Funnies Fox Rain     SUN

Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics.

Each week, SMF is putting a comic into the spotlight. This week, the focus is on Kuo's Fox Rain:

Fox Rain is a WoW-related web comic surrounding the mysteries of the Scythe of Elune. Since October 2012, it has been undergoing a reboot. Although it is being redone in a different style and feel, the comic still features a WoW-inspired world.

The story follows Lis the genius and Biryuk the mysterious, who are on a quest to search for what's most dear to them. The comic is driven by the narrative and geared towards WoW-playing adults who love an involving story.

In the new version, more focus is being put into the artwork and pages often have only two or three panels, giving the story a slower pace that requires readers to invest their time in the characters and their world.

Kuo Comics started making WoW comics back in 2009 with one-off funnies based on raids, cooking dailies and the adventures of the author's Horde guild. After exhausting every punchline she could find, Jenn (aka Volucris) changed the comic to be story-based, linking the old Warcraft 3 and WoW lore together. It also featured guest comics from Keen (Rory) and Ssantoki (a Korean web comic artist) from time to time. Fox Rain was created to weave story, action, and humor into one.

The comic updates every Thursday New Zealand time (Wednesday US time).

"Fox Rain" is a word used in East Asia for what is commonly known as a Sun Shower. The bright light above the falling rain goes perfectly with the theme of Fox Rain.

In the near future, the comics will be translated to Korean and Japanese, so if you're interested, check those out too!

Words from Volucris - "Thanks so much for everyone who reads Fox Rain! And to those who haven't started, please go take a look! The comic will deliver story, fun, action, lotsa wolves and tons more mischief."

Words from Keen - "I love you readers."

And now for this week's comics:

In comic news this week, you may have noticed that What's Shakin' is absent; Coffin got a bad sinus infection. There will probably be an update next week. Feel better, Coffin!

If you missed last week, you might notice a new addition to the list. Check it out!

And of course, Happy Mother's Day!