
RSS Reader Roundup: Feedbin, Feed Wrangler and NewsBlur

Earlier this year, we listed several services and apps that'll potentially replace Google Reader. Now that the Reader shut down is imminent, we are taking a second look at some of these services (and a few new ones) to see which companies have scaled up enough to become a true Google Reader replacement. In this next post in our series, we are turning your eyes towards an outstanding article by Josh Centers of Tidbits, who took a detailed look at Feedbin, Feed Wrangler and NewsBlur.

Though they lack the name recognition of readers from companies like Digg and AOL, these smaller products hold their own and, in some cases, surpass their bigger brethren. Feed Wrangler is an excellent example as it has a great web UI and already works with third-party apps like Mr. Reader for the iPad and Readkit for the Mac. On the iPhone, it also lets you export articles to Drafts. Feedbin mixes the best of both worlds with a Google Reader-like web interface and syncing with Reeder for iPhone, Mr. Reader and Readkit. NewsBlur offers its own apps for the web, iPad and iPhone, but lacks third-party app support. Within its own apps, it has an intelligent filtering option and support for comments from the NewsBlur community.

Head over to TidBits for screenshots and additional insight on the brave, new world of RSS readers.