
How willing are you to re-purchase apps for iOS 7?

Gedeon Maheux, a graphic designer and co-founder of the Iconfactory, has written an interesting post on his blog about how the introduction of iOS 7 will impact developers and users.

There's no doubt the introduction of iOS 7 will be a huge opportunity for developers to get their apps in front of new users. And current users will expect their favorite apps to be updated in-line with the dramatically different, new OS, or else apps will quickly be deleted. This means developers will need to put time, energy and money into updating their apps for iOS 7.

Since Apple does not support paid upgrades on the iOS App Store, and redesigning apps for a new OS costs money, Maheux suggests that developers are faced with the opportunity to charge users once more for their albeit redesigned, ready-for-iOS 7 apps, instead of offering them as free updates. However, the question then arises: are users willing to re-purchase apps for iOS 7?

Maheu's post is well worth reading as he delves into the implications of the matter, but we thought it would be pertinent to ask our readers the above question. Before you answer the poll below, take a moment to scroll through your apps and consider how many paid apps you use and rely on on a daily basis.
