
Grand Theft Auto 5 rated R18+ in Australia

Grand Theft Auto 5 rated R18 in Australia

The Australian Classification Board handed the R18+ rating to Grand Theft Auto 5 today, so those fearing a possible repeat of the refused classification for Saints Row 4 can relax.

The classification offers no indication the Aussie version of Rockstar North's upcoming crime-fest had any of its content edited. The adult-only rating means GTA 5 can now be sold in Australia, and it's heading to retail shelves there and the world over on September 17 for Xbox 360 and PS3.

The decision may underline consternation from fans over why Saints Row 4 wasn't allowed through in light of the traditional rivals' similarities but differing decisions. The ACB recently re-reviewed its decision on an unedited version of Saints Row 4, but reaffirmed the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC game's ban due to its depiction of drug use. Publisher Deep Silver is expected to submit an edited version of the exuberant sandbox game to the ACB.

Elsewhere, Saints Row 4 comes to North America on August 20, and Europe on August 23