
Guild Wars 2 announces the winner of the Captain's Council Election

Good thing this won't divide the players for years to come.

The votes have been tallied and Guild Wars 2 players have elected Ellen Kiel! Yes, that means that Evon Gnashblade will have to wait for another day for his time to shine. Whether you wanted Kiel in place because of the promise of new content or because you thought Gnashblade was kind of a jerk, voting for her meant you backed the right horse... by giving her lots of support tokens.

Rather than resting on her achievement, Kiel is already working on fulfilling her campaign promises, starting with a reduction in waypoint travel prices for four weeks. She's also pushing for the expansion of Fractals into Thaumanova Reactor, introducing a rotating schedule of activities such as Southsun Survival, and reducing the mill rate in Lion's Arch by 7%. Players probably won't care about that last one, but they can still look forward to seeing what other impacts Kiel's newfound station will have in the future.