
Around Azeroth: Orgrimmar's next top facemelter

Around Azeroth Orgrimmar's next top facemelter TUESDAY

"Yeah, those other shadow priests who think shadows curling off your form is flair enough? PAH!" exclaims submitter Snuffit of For Her Tallest on Wyrmrest Accord (US-H). "We gotta compete with mages and warlocks and their over-the-top gear, people! Not to mention warlocks cheat with their Shivarra's Mesmerize. Us priests get all the plain robes with the occasional dash of color, and maybe some crazy shoulders if we're lucky. The true elegance and flair of shadow spec is posing. You gotta work it, girl!" Just for fun, read the preceding paragraph in the voice of Honey Boo Boo.

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