
Around Azeroth: The prince and the panther

Around Azeroth The prince and the panther SATURDAY

"Inspiration is a wonderful thing," writes submitter Cragin of Alleria (US-A). "While running through the worgen starting area yet again, because it's just that great, I came back after being AFK to the following scene. And, looking at the inherently funny-in-a-way-you-can't-explain picture of my kitty sitting next to Prince Liam in his Victorian garb, it hit me: World of Warcraft: Vaudeville!

Cragin: More Forsaken in the offing!
Liam: More Forsaken?! What a chore.
Are they vampire Forsaken?
Cragin: No, no, zombie ones galore!

Liam: So what shall we do now, Cragin?
Cragin: There's just one thing which will convince.
Liam: ... You will bite them, Mr. Cragin?

This stuff just writes itself."

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