
WRUP: Six years of Massively was just a fad edition

Harder, better, faster, stronger.

Well, guys, it's been a fun six years, but as a stunningly large number of other gaming news sites seem to believe, online games have really just been a fad. We all knew that to begin with, let's be honest. Frankly the whole idea of the Internet was really just a way to keep ourselves occupied between Pokémon games. So let's all move on to the next big thing while the Second Life band plays us a farewell round of Daft Punk remixes.

Oh, the next thing? We were thinking writing the word "fart" in the margins of library books. Yeah, we've got Monday's features lined up.

For tradition's sake, we've still included our plans for the weekend past the cut, because WRUP. Also we shared our favorite memories of the past year here at Massively, because it's what we do. Let us know what you're up to and what your favorite memories were down in the comments!

Anatoli Ingram, Guild Wars 2 Columnist

@ceruleangrey: This weekend I'll be running around in Guild Wars 2, helping Marjory and Kasmeer discover the secrets of the huge frickin' tower that just appeared in Kessex Hills and going "AWWWW" at how cute their relationship is along with at least half of the rest of the fandom. A friend (and a Steam sale) persuaded me to give The Secret World another try too, so now I can sit in the Crucible and listen to opera in between bouts of demon slaying. The Templars have a lot of cats hanging around their headquarters, so clearly I belong there.

This is my first year as a real live Massively columnist, so I'd have to say that the thing I'm most proud of is getting hired! Massively has been my favorite video game site for years, so it's a privilege to have the opportunity to write for the site and work with really cool people. I've also managed not to break anything so far, or eat all of the virtual snacks in the internet breakroom. Happy anniversary, Massively -- here's to another great year!

Beau Hindman, F2P and Mobile Columnist

@Beau_Hindman: I'm planning on jumping into Neverwinter some more. I go through stages and my recent action-based MMO stage has pulled me back into the game; it's so slick and polished, it's a blast to play. I'll also get some time in my shooters like PlanetSide 2 and Defiance, and hopefully some DC Universe Online.

I have to say that I am the most proud of giving indie MMOs or MMOs that rarely get coverage the coverage they deserve. Massively is one of the few sites where you will actually see games like Star Stable or The West covered.

Bree Royce, Editor-in-Chief

@nbrianna: I'm gonna be shooting stuff with fire and ice arrows in Path of Exile. Haven't hit an annoyance wall yet, and it's fun!

I'm very proud of not burning down the site after taking it over. (That kitchen fire on the yacht doesn't count.) Of my own posts, I'm most proud of my retrospective of modern Ultima Online. Lots of people talk big about old games but don't actually bother to play them or write about them. We do! Happy happy to us!

Eliot Lefebvre, Columnist Extraordinaire and Senior Contributing Editor

@Eliot_Lefebvre: I've got more stuff to do in Final Fantasy XIV, naturally, because that is where I live and breathe. Beyond that, I picked up Saints Row 2 on a Steam sale and I've still got both Just Cause games to go through, so I'm feeling a need for some wide-open sandboxes... and, of course, more Pokémon to catch. I've got to catch all of them, you see.

On a personal level, there are a few things I'm proud of. My FFXIV preview in February was a huge undertaking that was massively popular. Some of my best opinion pieces came out within the last year, too; my commitment piece, my (most recent) sexism column, my ruthless statements about economic realities. Oh, and I started an entirely new column, that's another thing that happened.

Beyond that, though, I'm happy that I've entered my fourth year of working here. I've accomplished a lot, but it wouldn't be possible without an editing team that helps iron out my missteps and a fellow group of writers that continually pushes me to work harder and do better. I don't say my name with pride; I say "I work for Massively" with a great deal of pride. Let's see what we can do in year seven.

Jef Reahard, Managing Editor and Columnist Extraordinaire

@jefreahard: Arkham Origins and a widdle bit of DC Universe Online here.

As for Massively pride, it's less about what I've done and more about what the site's done. Which, in a nutshell, is continue to grow, perform, and serve as the news and opinion feed for the sites that don't know MMOs (and frankly for many of those that do... I can say that right? OK good!). And this is probably in line with Bree's point about the old games, but I'm proud of our staff's collective MMO experience. We of course play everything modern but a significant number of us also played everything since the genre's inception, and that's pretty rare in this field.

Many happy returns!

Justin Olivetti, Columnist Extraordinaire and Senior Contributing Editor

@Sypster: I definitely want to do a few Super Jack boss fights in The Secret World in the hopes of getting that bloody biker's jacket. Mmm, that's fresh blood! I've also been getting back into Neverwinter with a Trickster Rogue, so that might get a couple of hours as well.

What am I most proud of accomplishing at Massively? Probably getting hired after tweaking Massively's nose on my blog. I teased because I loved! I'm also proud of our staff-wide campaign to drive our editors mad through subversion, silliness, and grammatical nonsense.

Mike Foster, Contributing Editor

@MikedotFoster: Dota 2. And, of course, Scream Fortress 2013! I can't live the rest of my life knowing I missed out on silly hats. I'll probably cave on Battlefield 4, as well.

I am most proud of helping to build the Stream Team audience. Massively TV's community gets bigger every day, and I'm just happy to be a part of a group with incredible hosts and a very lovely collection of viewers.

Patrick Mackey, League of Legends and Age of Wushu Columnist

@mackeypb: I'm playing almost exclusively League of Legends right now. I may play some SMITE but that is unlikely. It's pretty much going to be all LoL. As for what I'm doing in LoL, it will be jungle Elise. Lots of jungle Elise until I feel hyper confident about it, possibly some jungle Evelynn, and possibly some other role if I get stuck in it. I still haven't played Arkham Origins. I haven't even downloaded it, even though I own it.

I'm not especially proud of any one thing I've done at Massively, but that's mostly because for me, it's all important. I am happy to have represented the site well at PAX this year, so there's that. If anything, I am really proud to be the hardcore competitive gamer guy at Massively. In our group of experts, I'm happy to be the guy who really knows competitive multiplayer games, whether it be PvP or MOBAs, and get called on as our MOBA expert to handle stuff. It's a high bar to reach and I'm glad I can be even somewhat competent at it.

Richie Procopio, Multimedia Contributor

@RichieProcopio: I'll be fighting krait this weekend in Guild Wars 2 because they planted this nightmarish tower in the middle of Kessex Hills! How dare they? I'll also be playing some Hearthstone, which is starting to dominate my free time.

As for my proudest Massively moment of the year, it's probably the article, interview, and video I produced after attending the Zenimax preview of The Elder Scrolls Online. It was an amazing experience topped off with nail-biting deadlines, but in the end it all worked out well. I still can't believe that video has a quarter of a million views on it!

Terilynn Shull, Star Trek Online Columnist

@terilynns: I will be engulfed in playing my alts through the amazing featured episode just released in Star Trek Online. Michael Dorn's voice over only adds to the authenticity of the mission, one that made me actually feel like I was in a Star Trek show. It's all good stuff to chew on while we wait for the Season Eight material.

I'm very proud that I got to represent Massively once again at the official Star Trek Las Vegas Convention for the Star Trek Online panel. I'm also pretty proud of the fact that due to my affiliation with Massively, I've begun to play other MMOs as well. I'm now up to seven (and a couple of betas!) and I think the experience has helped me become a better writer. Happy Anniversary Massively!

At the start of every weekend, we catch up with the Massively staff members and ask them, "What are you playing this week?" (Otherwise known as: WRUP!) Join us to see what we're up to in and out of game -- and catch us in the comments to let us know what you're playing, too!