
Google's Street View tour of Gatwick Airport is its biggest European indoor map yet

If you're one of those people who wants to know exactly what to do and where to go when you get to an airport, Google's latest Street View update might come in handy. As part of its biggest European indoor mapping project so far, the search giant took its trolley units to Gatwick, the UK's second busiest airport. The resulting 2,000 images were stitched together to create a virtual representation of its North and South terminals, allowing you, and an estimated 34 million yearly passengers, to familiarize yourself with its maze of connected corridors and multitude of shops and restaurants. Hit up Google Street View to begin your not-so-personal guided tour, but bear in mind you won't make it onto the tarmac and any duty free deals that you spot in stores may no longer apply, because the footage was collected in June.