
Logitech releases PowerShell Controller + Battery for iPhone/iPod Touch gaming

Gaming is huge on iOS devices. How huge? According to research done by Logitech, 87 percent of all iPhone and iPod touch users play games. The accessory manufacturer today released the PowerShell Controller + Battery (US$99.99), a game controller that encases an iPhone 5/5s or fifth-generation iPod touch, providing not only a d-pad, shoulder triggers and face buttons to make iOS gaming even more fun, but also extra battery life for your handheld device through a 1,500 mAh battery pack.

The PowerShell Controller supports the iOS 7 game controller framework, meaning that, at this point, you can use it for playing titles like Bastion, Fast & Furious 6: The Game, MetalStorm Aces, Galaxy on Fire 2 HD and Nitro. Expect to see more game titles supporting the framework -- and the PowerShell Controller -- very soon.

You'll be able to pick up a PowerShell Controller + Battery from the Apple Online Store or Best Buy beginning today, and Logitech will expand distribution in December.