
Sunday Morning Funnies: Man and his pond


Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics.

It's the last Sunday in November, and we have a fairly full list of comics this week for your perusal... but not a lot of news (although I'm pretty sure Trig busted out a cheerleader chant in last week's comments section!). However, there are some pretty interesting plot progressions happening, from death to reclaimed memories. And of course, some BlizzCon-related content.

So what's on the list this week? Here are a few highlights:

  • A character death

  • Some more BlizzCon recaps!

  • A dream becomes... a memory?

  • A guide to new character models

  • A bunny fight

  • An interview

  • A big fish baby

And, as always, we take tips! Throw a link or piece of relevant news into the comments section below.