
Bravely Second details attend magic university

More details for Bravely Second, the sequel to Square Enix's RPG Bravely Default: Flying Fairy announced just last week, have surfaced. The game's familiar locale is that of Luxendarc, "several years" after the Warriors of Light saved the world, according to a translation of the game's official site provided by Gematsu.

Specifically, players will be concerned with the "magic university town" of Istantarl, built under the decree of the Lakrika prime minister on the Nadarakes continent in the game's world. The professors of the university helped to develop a "new structure of magic" at Istantarl, indicating that the game may feature some new magic-based battle elements for players to enjoy.

Additionally, the silver-haired lady's moniker Magnolia isn't short for "Steel Magnolias" like we'd hoped, but rather "Devil King Buster Magnolia Arch." Magnolia "appears in unexpected places at unexpected times," and also has a "daredevil attitude." Magnolia is the lone survivor of the moon nation, has strong fighting skills and also rescued Tiz Oria, one of the Bravely Default's primary characters. Bravely Second will launch on 3DS in Japan at a to-be-determined date.