Daily App: Farmstand is your guide to your local farmer's markets
At least where I live, there's a growing movement to buy produce locally at farmer's markets. As small as my town is, it still hosts a weekly farmer's market that runs all year round. If you want to buy locally, but don't know where to start, then you should check out Farmstand.
Farmstand from Mostly Brothers makes it easy to find nearby farmer's markets using your location. The app pulls up information about each event providing you with a map and other details about its time and location. If there is a long list of farmer's markets in your area, you can sort by location or by next open time.
Users are encouraged to share information about the farmer's market by posting up pictures, sharing deals and more. These posts appear on the farmer's market listing within the app and are open for the public to see. Those who join the Farmstand community can comment on these posts and like them. They also can follow other users.
Farmstand has a pleasing, easy-to-use design. The app pulled up my location and quickly showed me a list of local markets. There is only one in the area, and I was pleasantly surprised to find it included in the app. The layout is intuitive, allowing you to find all the details about the market without having to hunt and peck through the app.
Farmstand is available for free from the iOS App Store. It's a must-have for those who are into farm-fresh food.