
Working Pip-Boy 3000 from Fallout built for NASA challenge

A fully functional Pip-Boy 3000 has emerged from the vault of Team Reno, a five-member group of people way, way smarter than us. The device can display relative humidity, altitude, latitude and longitude, atmospheric pressure, ambient temperature, object temperature and of course, radiation levels. It was created as part of NASA's SpaceApps Challenge, which asked designers to create wearable technology for future space travelers.

"We wanted to make a piece of popular science fiction into a reality so we chose the Pip-Boy 3000 from the game Fallout 3," the team wrote regarding their entry. "The goal was to bring environmental sensors into an easy-to-use cuff device that could help a wearer determine if their environment is safe for navigation or helmet removal."

Team Reno consists of Colin Loretz, Ashley Hennefer, Andrew Warren, Christopher Baker and Ben Hammel. Remember those names, for when the Great War nukes us into oblivion, they'll be the ones you'll want to search out for gear to survive the wasteland.

[Image: Team Reno]