
One Shot: The eternal vigil


Some MMO tableaus attempt to tell a wordless story, and some of those stories are up for personal interpretation. I love finding these scattered around the world because they invite my imagination to be a part of the experience instead of spelling it out for me.

Reader Chiara came across our first screenshot of the week here in Elder Scrolls Online, and it brought out strong emotions: "I don't really know what this man's story is -- but I can't help but wonder about it since I've first seen him. Did he die there? Did someone arrange his skeleton? I've no idea, but the scene just struck me as incredibly sad."

Maybe he was keeping a vigil for a loved one. Maybe that vigil is not yet over. Who knows?

Are you engrossed with the housing system of WildStar right now? I totally am and echo reader Sean's statement when he says, "I'm a homeowner damnit! Fear me!"

There's just nothing scarier than grown men and women playing virtual dollhouse and paying money for the privilege. Although, to be fair, it's not that much different from your 50-year-old uncle who builds elaborate model train landscapes in his basement. Sometimes we just want a little slice of the world to fully control.

Hey JohnD, that is one spiffy ride you have there! Me, well, I wouldn't have the confidence to trot around the countryside giving immature players an opportunity to fling variations of "ass" at me in chat, but obviously I lack the confidence that you have. That is one cute ass, though!

"I'm enjoying ArcheAge," JohnD wrote. "The joy of finally having a donkey!"

Do you have a friend or family member whom you game with? It's really awesome unless they're (or you're) a shutterbug, constantly stopping to take pictures of butterflies while the other gets pwned by a mutant fire gorilla. Oddly enough, the mutant fire gorillas eat regular bananas. Who would have thought?

"This pic of from the first day my wife and I entered Aion," reader Justin submitted. "She really thought this emote was cute and demanded I take a pic at once."

Your screenshot challenge of the week is to head back to your favorite beginning zone and photograph the living heck out of it. Which one delivers all of the feels? We'd like to see it!

Want to be featured in a future edition of One Shots? Send your favorite MMO screenshots to, and don't forget to include your name, the name of the game, and a description of the scene. Large, colorful, UI-free shots that tell a story and really show off the game make for the best images. Look ma, we brought back One Shots!